Champ Des Treilles
Everything can be explained in simple words and there is nothing magical about biodynamics as we see it.
Almost 30 years ago, our quest for a more respectful way to cultivate our vines led us to cross the road of biodynamics. This mode of culture, which is also a philosophy of life, immediately appeared to us as the most relevant way of considering our relationships with the living.
Then, with hindsight and experience, we noticed that from one simplification to another, biodynamics was very often reduced in practice, to the simple application of recipes, ready-made, always the same, without any link to the terroir, the grape variety or the climate. Also, gradually our reflections, research, reading, (...) have led us to return to the fundamentals of this reasoning in order to integrate the essential parameters (terroir, grape variety and climate) into the equation and thus define solutions that are truly adapted to each place and at a given time. Thus, these practices make it possible to link our wines more strongly to their terroir and reduce the susceptibility of the vines to diseases.
It is an endless path that requires humility, far from ready-made solutions, but which also brings a lot of serenity and respect for nature. We have also noticed that there are many bridges with science, so-called conventional science because in the end, it is only a question of different insights into one and the same truth, which is the living.
We have never regretted our choices and our commitments.