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1998-1999 Château du Champ des Treilles
Ours is a family project, including my wife Corinne and our children, Thomas and Laure. Without our full family effort little would have happened. We did not “take over a vineyard” but rather became a link in a long history of making wine from this special land.  My family and I began to change the vineyard to its new life, to produce a wine signed by us for an estate bottling. We utilized all the precious old vines as stock. But we had to add some acreages to our vineyard, in order to allow us to produce enough wine to make our project economically viable and keeping parental link with our vineyard. Our first harvest was overwhelming and challenging, yet gave us our sense of purpose in our first years as wine makers.  We diligently continued in our early wine making years in our quest to produce very special wines. Finally the long awaited wines arrived.  They not only represented their land, or “terroir” as we say here in France, they had a part of our family in them including our children who are never far from our side.  Our pride is this authenticity.

