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2006-2007 Château du Champ des Treilles

Our deeper and deeper engagement in a viticulture of respect has not been sufficient to protect us from damages of "modern" viticulture because Corinne has probably been intoxicated by pesticides used in a vineyard in the neighbourhood.

Beyond suffering and fear of the worst, it has been unbearable for us to have to sustain this kind of aggression toward us as we only use natural products.

We even wondered about the proper existence of our estate because a few weeks before the harvest, Corinne was still not able to perform the manual crop and vinification. Thankfully, things went better and with a huge will, she could carry out her work.

 Then, our vehicle suffered from the retaliation of someone who apparently did not like the way we work.

 Together with our children, we decided to face up, being persuaded of the accuracy of our convictions. Foremost, our vines helped us by giving back all the love we have expressed to them for years.This love, they give their manner in the wines, should make smile, vine growers who pollute or vandalize cars.It contains the soul still alive of those who are not here anymore and who are probably proud of our work in those lines of vines, they previously served through years under the burning sun, the icy cold and the rain that soaks the body.

